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Hymns of the Pearl Volume 9
The Song of Redeeming Love

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Front cover art: The Serpent and the Dove: Union of Opposites by Zedek. When Jesus sent his twelve closest disciples out to teach for the first time, he instructed them: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. You must be subtle as serpents but harmless as doves." (Testimony of St. Matthew 10:16) The Serpent and the Dove are symbols of Sophia, Holy Wisdom. As Divine Serpent she is known as "the Instructor," leading us to the Tree of Gnosis whose fruit opens our eyes to Reality. As Divine Dove, she guides us through the maze created by our free will, so all things work together for good. United within us, these opposites generate the Song of Redeeming Love, forever calling out to us in peace and provoking us to change.

Hymns of the Pearl Vol. 9 coming soon to 

The Redemption of Darkness


The Light stirred and faced darkness.

He entered her, surrendering his life.

To make wholeness, a unity 

Must first be made of Light and darkness.


This is the meaning of

“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”


This story is true for all,

For every light must into darkness fall,

And rise to the Life divine

And bring the resurrection to mankind.


This is the meaning of

“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”


This we too must do inside our souls.

The Lamb must be slain,

For to be a Child of Light means

The darkness in us is redeemed.


This story is true for all,

For every light must into darkness fall,

And rise to the Life divine

And bring the resurrection to mankind.


This is the meaning of

“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”


(Words and music by Zedek)

For all the lyrics from Hymns of the Pearl, Volume 9, please click here.

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