Hymns of the Pearl Volume 9
Complete Lyrics
The Redemption of Darkness
The Light stirred and faced darkness.
He entered her, surrendering his life.
To make wholeness, a unity
Must first be made of Light and darkness.
This is the meaning of
“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”
This story is true for all,
For every light must into darkness fall,
And rise to the Life divine
And bring the resurrection to mankind.
This is the meaning of
“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”
This we too must do inside our souls.
The Lamb must be slain,
For to be a Child of Light means
The darkness in us is redeemed.
This story is true for all,
For every light must into darkness fall,
And rise to the Life divine
And bring the resurrection to mankind.
This is the meaning of
“The Lamb was slain before the mortal realm was made.”
(Words and music by Zedek)
The Song of Redeeming Love
MEN: I cannot see you; I cannot hear you; I cannot touch you, but I can feel you;
Yes, I can feel you; yes, I can feel you.
WOMEN: I cannot see you; I cannot hear you; I cannot touch you, but I can feel you;
Yes, I can feel you; yes, I can feel you.
WOMEN: I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here
with me
And we can sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love.
MEN: I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here with me
And we can sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love.
TOGETHER: I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here with me; I know you’re here with me
And we can sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love.
Sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love!
Sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love!
Now I can see you; yes, I can hear you, and I can feel you; yes I can feel you; yes I can
feel you!
So we sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love,
Sing as one the Song of Redeeming Love!
(Words and music by Zedek)
Come Back Robin
You came to me as a robin, when I was far from home.
I was asleep and I’d forgotten the fam’ly I had known.
You sang to me an enchanting melody. Your song awakened me.
And I remembered who I was and who I’d be,
That I was sent to free a living Pearl meant for me.
Come back, Robin. Come back to me.
Come back, Robin. Come back to me Robin! Come back to me!
And through the years of turning pages, I’ve searched the sky for you.
I’ve listened to the humble sages to hear that song so true.
But when the empty sky deceives my mortal mind, and tells me I’ve been left behind
Still, I remember that a bird and tree combined
To set me on the Path of Light, awaken me and give me sight!
Come back, Robin. Come back to me.
Come back, Robin. Come back to me Robin! Come back to me!
(Words and music by Zedek)
I Have Come Down
I have come down from worlds of radiant Light to Egypt’s darkness.
I was sent here to find the Pearl of consciousness.
Dressed like a native, I forgot my Parents and why I’d fallen into Error’s power.
I have come down! I have come down!
They sent a letter to call me back, like Spring calls sleeping buds,
And when I heard it, I knew who I was!
Prompted by them, I recall my mission: retrieve the Pearl and return home again.
I have come down! I have come down!
I will lull the serpent with my Parents’ name, with the charms of Love Divine,
Until the Pearl of Light becomes mine.
I’ll cast Egyptian garments far away so I can rise back to my heavenly home.
I have come down! I have come down!
Christ offers to lead me on the Path back home, where I will find
My Parents, and I will live in bliss divine,
Clothed in pure Light, radiating gnosis from the bright Pearl that on my breast will shine.
I have come down! I have come down!
I’ll follow the Christ to the Gnosis Tree, to the Tree of Life Divine.
I’ll be holding his hand each day of my lifetime.
I’ll reign with him, redeemed from darkness’ power, sharing his Sacrament and singing his song.
I have come down! I have come down!
(Words: Mar Samuel, Music: Zedek)
Meditation on Love
Love, the other side of Silence. Good will, God will to all.
It is our spark of Life from which we are, and are becoming.
It is pure Peace of Being, peace with becoming.
Freedom of Being, the openness of Eternity!
Source of all possibilities, where all paths can lead,
The substance and action of Being, what is when all else is removed.
What is! What does!
(Words: Mar Shalom, music: Zedek)
[based on Sayings of Jesus 2:7-8]
1. Prophets are not easily discerned by those who know them best.
The shadow of the prophets’ mortal lives eclipses their bright Light.
Even their disciples will not know their nature is divine
Until they have passed on to bliss, the goal of all mankind, all mankind.
2. Learn to discern the prophets now so that you can be blessed.
It’s too late when they have left us to ascend to their True Home.
Now is the time to learn of Truth, to receive the kingdom’s keys
So we can be prophets like them and live forever, forever free.
3. Prophets stand alone with Eloheim, with Eloheim they stand alone.
Lonely is the Way of prophets, a trail of tears and grief foreshown.
Yet when they bring souls to Light their loneliness is justified.
Great will be their joy in the Pleroma, with Eloheim, their Highest Gods,
Together they sing.
(Words by Mar Samuel, music by Zedek)
I Can See the Light
Written for the Wedding of Sanjana & Coram Abiel
I can see the Light; I can hear it sing in your eyes that smile, inside ev’rything.
I can see the Light in the Love you bring. I can see the Light.
I can see the Light in the friends we have, sharing all the Life, all the good and the bad.
I can see the Light in the Love they bring; I see us in the Light of these holy things.
Ev’rything I know and love surrounds me in you.
Looking at the stars above, I’m glad you found me and I found you.
Mother and your angels, Father and your angels with us today,
Keep us in your Day and Night; we need you!
I can see the Light; I can hear it sing in your eyes that smile, inside ev’rything.
I can see the Light in the Love you bring. I can see the Light.
I can see the Light in the friends we have, sharing all the Life, all the good and the bad.
I can see the Light in the Love they bring; I see us in the Light of these holy things.
Knowing where we came from, we’re becoming one Love,
Sharing in our desire those we love and admire,
Knowing where we’re going, we work together for Peace.
Father and your angels, Mother and your angels we need you!
I can see the Light; I can hear it sing in your eyes that smile, inside ev’rything.
I can see the Light in the Love you bring. I can see the Light.
I can see the Light in the friends we have, sharing all the Life, all the good and the bad.
I can see the Light in the Love they bring; I see us in the Light of these holy things.
I can see the Light in the Love you bring. I can see the Light.
I can see the Light in the friends we have, sharing all the Life, all the good and the bad.
I can see the Light in the Love they bring; I see us in the Light of these holy things.
(Words and music by Zedek)
Sacrament Prayer
O God, the Eternal Father, we ask you, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
To bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all who partake of it,
That they may eat in remembrance of the body of your Son,
And witness to you, O God the Eternal Father,
That they are willing to take upon them the name of your Son,
And always remember him, and follow his instructions, which he has given them,
That they may always have his Spirit to be with them.
O God, the Eternal Father, we ask you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
To bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all who drink of it,
That they may do it in remembrance of the blood of your Son, which was shed for them,
That they may witness to you, O God the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him,
That they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. Amen.
(Words: Mar Samuel, music: Zedek)
Master Moses
(Begin with refrain)
Master Moses - A child of prophecy, a Light to Israel!
Master Moses, brings the Light of Eloheim to the world!
Master Moses, bore compassion for humankind!
Master Moses, teacher of the Law for the children of the Divine!
Master Moses! A Promised Land to obtain, a Promised Land to gain – Master Moses.
A boat of rushes at waters’ edge, a child wins Bithia’s heart.
Becomes the Prince of Egypt, guarded by angels he was!
A sapphire rod in frozen ground, with names engraved of Eloheim.
From the beginning of the world the rod was used to find the Pearl!
Master Moses - A child of prophecy, a Light to Israel!
Master Moses, brings the Light of Eloheim to the world!
Master Moses, bore compassion for humankind!
Master Moses, teacher of the Law for the children of the Divine!
Master Moses! A Promised Land to obtain, a Promised Land to gain – Master Moses.
Moses retrieves the holy rod, the rod bequeathed to Masters.
To Noah, Shem, and Abraham, to Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph!
Stretch out the rod over the sea, let my people be set free!
I know my peoples’ sorrows. Lead them end Egypt’s control!
Master Moses - A child of prophecy, a Light to Israel!
Master Moses, brings the Light of Eloheim to the world!
Master Moses, bore compassion for humankind!
Master Moses, teacher of the Law for the children of the Divine!
Master Moses! A Promised Land to obtain, a Promised Land to gain – Master Moses.
A cloud by day, a pillar at night. Forty years in Yahweh’s Light!
Upon the mountain, Moses prayed. The Law of Life on crystal made!
Moses’ wrath met Israel’s shame. Ten commands on stone remain.
Manifest your true Birthright. The promised Land will be in sight!
Master Moses - A child of prophecy, a Light to Israel!
Master Moses, brings the Light of Eloheim to the world!
Master Moses, bore compassion for humankind!
Master Moses, teacher of the Law for the children of the Divine!
Master Moses! A Promised Land to obtain, a Promised Land to gain – Master Moses.
(Words: Mar Shalom, music: Zedek)
That They Might Have Life
I came that they might have Life, and have it to the full.
I am the Shepherd who lays down his life, who lays down his life for his sheep.
O Beautiful Shepherd, may your one Love so absorb me
That I may die for love of your Love, you who died for me!
I came that they might have Life, and have it to the full.
I am the Shepherd who lays down his life, who lays down his life for his sheep.
O Life-giving Shepherd, the sound of your voice is food and drink for Love.
May I but listen in readiness and follow your slightest lead!
I came that they might have Life, and have it to the full.
I am the Shepherd who lays down his life, who lays down his life for his sheep.
O Jesus my Shepherd, may I surrender, release my heart to you.
Bless me my Savior to lay down my life that you may raise me up!
I came that they might have Life, and have it to the full.
I am the Shepherd who lays down his life, who lays down his life for his sheep.
(Words: Barbara Bridge, music: Zedek)