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Open Your Eyes


You who are drunk on the wine of mortal existence,

Need to awaken.  You have been plunged into a deep sleep!


Open your eyes and perceive Reality!

Open your eyes and perceive Reality!


You are starving but you have no more nourishment.

For the powers have destroyed all true nourishment.


The powers you encounter here are numberless.

If you don’t become more then they, they’ll consume you.


Nebro!  the Rebel, rebels against the Hidden Gods.

Disrupting the Holy Vine of the Priesthood

That flows from the Hidden Ones!


It flows from the Hiden Ones!

It flows from the Hidden Ones!  

It flows from the Hidden Ones!

It flows from the Hidden Ones!


Jehova!  We cry out to You!

Send your Divine Fire!

Consume all our darkness, transforming us into Pure Light!


Open your eyes and perceive Reality!

Open your eyes and perceive Reality!


(Words by Mar Samuel.  Music by Zedek)


Master’s Blessing


From the Order of the Ancients, blessings flow,

Down through time into your soul.

A holy Star to guide you home.


Coming down through Yakob and Raquel,

From Issak and Rebekah, 

Coming down through Sarah and Abraham,

Through Eloheim!


Blessings flow down though us in this Gathering,

We say to you, “the blessings are yours,

And the ties to the Masters are there for you

To become a Prophet of Love, Wisdom, Gnosis and Life!”


We bless your mind as you come up through the Way of JEHOVA,

Understanding more and more of the Mysteries shown to you.


‘Til that bright day when you are sanctified,

Becoming one with JESUS CHRIST our Lord, 

And the Way of Zion grows in you, in your Gathering!


Blessings flow down though us in this Gathering,

We say to you, “the blessings are yours,

And the ties to the Masters are there for you

To become a Prophet of Love, Wisdom, Gnosis and Life!”


We seal these blessings, laying hands upon your head in unity,

Calling on the Masters now to walk within you as your Friend.


You will feel your guardian angels fly, leading you to become sanctified,

Following their counsel, you will find your desires are met.


Blessings flow down though us in this Gathering,

We say to you, “the blessings are yours,

And the ties to the Masters are there for you

To become a Prophet of Love, Wisdom, Gnosis and Life!”


(Words by Mar Sarah.  Music by Zedek)


The Dance of Many and One


Each heart takes a different way,

Each soul a different name.

Life’s images are many.


But the Source remains the same,

One root for these different names,

Many from the One!


Each shape a mist reflection of the Love that gives us sight.

The soul searches out the night skies for the Parent’s blazing Light!


Each shape a mist reflection of the Love that gives us sight.

The soul searches out the night skies for the Parent’s blazing Light!


In the soul, the opposites call out for the achemist.

Spiraling Aeons of Light answer,


Transforming numinous Pearl, 

Bringing wholeness to the world,

Opposites unite!


Sparking Divine Fire of Life,

Casting Light’s billowing course.


From the Many, One emerges to seek the emanating Source.


A Divine Fire of Life illlumens, casting Light’s billowing course,

From the Many, One emerges to seek the emanating Source.


(Words by Mar Julie Ivey and Zedek.  Music by Zedek)





Their hands are everywhere upholding you,

Everywhere their eyes beholding you, 

Hearing every prayer in your heart.


Encompassing the world, but still beyond,

Dwelling in the sunset and the dawn,

We are all surrounded by Light!


Know that the heavenly realm is inside and outside you.

Know that which is outside by the inside.


If you say the abode of the Gods is in the sky,

The birds will arrive there before you.


If you say the abode of the Gods is in the sea,

The fish will arrive there before you.


Their hands are everywhere upholding you,

Everywhere their eyes beholding you, 

Hearing every prayer in your heart.


Encompassing the world, but still beyond,

Dwelling in the sunset and the dawn,

We are all surrounded by Light!


When you have found the Light within yourself,

You will know as you are known.


Then you will know that you are children of Living Parents,

Your destiny is to be as they are!


Know that the heavenly realm is inside and outside you,

Know that which is outside by the inside.


Their hands are everywhere upholding you,

Everywhere their eyes beholding you, 

Hearing every prayer in your heart.


Encompassing the world, but still beyond,

Dwelling in the sunset and the dawn,

We are all surrounded by Light!  Everywhere!  


Everywhere!  Everywhere!  Everywhere!  Everywhere!  Everywhere! 


(Words by Mar Samuel and Zedek.  Music by Zedek)



Swim Home


I AM here, you know me.  Swim Home!


I’m here with you although you sleep.

I’m full of kindness and mercy.

Wake now my child, and come with me 

To the Pleroma’s Living Sea!


I AM here, you know me.  Swim Home!


We’ll pass through earthly seas and trees,

You’ll feel my Love and my Peace.

We’ll glide through Light and feel so free,

You’ll wake to find you’ll always be!


I AM here, you know me.  Swim Home!


Float on me now through endless realms.

I carry you with each stroke.

Ride tides of Life along with me.

Breathe free and flow in my Peace!


I AM here, you know me.  Swim Home!



As you increase in Divine Life,

Every gift will grow in you.

The Pleroma, my Home with you,

You are a God of Light, so true!


I AM here, you know me.  Swim Home!


(Words by Mar Julie Ivey.  Music by Zedek)


Sun of Propriety


As the Sun is a source of joy to those who bask in its warmth and Light, 

I rejoice in the Sun of Propriety.


When I awaken from my sleep, He arises in my soul like the dawn of a new day.


He is the Sun, the Source of Life, Tomas my Father.

She is the Light, Shinehah, the Light, my Mother who brought be from the womb

To live forever in my Father-Mother God!


As moisture is drawn up to the sky, my Sun draws me up to him.

The Light has driven darkness out of my life.

Through him I can see Reality, through him, I hear the words of Truth.

He has brought me gnosis into my life!  


He has brought me pleasure that delights my soul.

I have left the way of error!

I have walked toward my Sun and have received salvation!

He holds back nothing from me.  Everything is mine.

He gives me all he has.  He has transformed me into the beauty of his image.




I’ve been resurrected to new life, through the power, through the power of his Name

I’ve received Divine Life as a gift from him.  Death is an illusion.

Nothing can separate me from my Sun of Life, the Life that is my Lord.

I dwell in deathless life in the Land of Truth.




Gnosis is the power of Endless Lives.  I am reborn in my Lord!


(Words by Mar Samuel.  Music by Zedek)

All of This


All of this in one mind unfolding.

All of this in one mind unfolding.

All of this.  All of this.  

All of this in one mind unfolding.

All of this in one mind unfolding.

All of this.  All of this.



All of this.  All of this.  


All of this.  All of this.


(Words and Music by Zedek)  

Light Bearers in the Darkness


Light bearers in the darkness,

Carriers of gnosis,

Sent here by Eloheim to resurrect the world!


Traveling the Prophet’s Way,

Building Zion day by day,

From the holy Priesthood, 

Comes this gnosis!


When the Eloheim saw their people perishing, 

Because they did not see the Light of Life—the Tree—they chose the best of us

To cause the Light of Life to shine.


“Sons Ahman” the chosen were called,

Chosen to teach, chosen to heal,

And bring the Light to the seekers after Truth!


Light Bearers in the darkness!  Light Bearers in the darkness!

Light Bearers in the darkness! Light Bearers in the darkness!

Light Bearers in the darkness! Light Bearers in the darkness!


Light bearers in the darkness,

Carriers of gnosis,

Sent here by Eloheim to resurrect the world!


Traveling the Prophet’s Way,

Building Zion day by day,

From the holy Priesthood, 

Comes this gnosis!


Answering the call, the Sons Ahman receive 

Sophia’s blessing to partake of the Tree

Restoring wholeness, becoming like the Eloheim!


Radiating Light of the Divine

Into this dark world, the Light within us shines! 

Transforming all who answer the call to Life.


Light Bearers in the darkness! Light Bearers in the darkness!

Light Bearers in the darkness! Light Bearers in the darkness!

Light Bearers in the darkness! Light Bearers in the darkness!

(Words by Mar Samuel.  Music by Zedek)



Living in the House of Zion’s Joy


A message came from the world of Light:

“Zion prepare, take your flight!  Get ready to leave planet blue.


On the night you leave the world in the ship of Light 

You will be rising on an Exodus to Truth!”


Ascending to the Sun!  Past the Moon and stars beyond,

To the Land of Light, You’ll carry the message of the skies.

And you’ll see the Perfect Man in the Column of Glory!

The Powers of Light, living in the House of Zion’s Joy!


Enoch was the first to fly in the starship sanctified as the City of Zion!

An Exodus Ascension, he led the way to liberty, 

Now we follow his path into the Light.


Be fearless everyone!  Fare thee well, our Moon and Sun!

Ferry us to Gates of Light, oh City of Zion in which we fly!

And we see the Perfect Man in the Column of Glory!

The Powers of Light, living in the House of Zion’s Joy!


Earthly garments left behind,

Dressed in Light and unified, our twin and Parents rejoice!


Hearing now the music of the Cosmos singing songs of Love,

We praise Life and the Blessed Eloheim!


Singing in the Light!  And dancing in the sky!

Never to say goodbye, “At home at last, at home at last” we cry!

And we are the Perfect Man in the Column of Glory!  

The Powers of Light living in the House of Zion’s Joy!


Living in the House of Zion’s Joy!


(Words and Music by Zedek)



Scion of the Angels

Based on a theme from Puccini’s aria, Nessun dorma


You are favored by the Light,

You’re the Scion of the Angels,

Bearing Light through the floods of darkness.


Reseeding the Earth in Light.

From the holy mountain heights:  Life!  New Life!


Noah was born full of Light,

Singing his praises to Jehovah!  

The prophecy foretold the curse of darkness must be preserved.


The gods of darkness send a flood,

But Eloheim teach Noah to build an Ark of Light.

An Ark of Light in the deepest night.


You are favored by the Light,

You’re the Scion of the Angels,

Bearing Light through the floods of darkness.


Re-seeding the Earth in Light.

From the holy mountain heights:  Life!  New Life!


Noah preserved all forms of life,

Restoring all creation upon the Earth, the Dove, Sophia flies

And floods recede.


Darkness and Light have intertwined,

Planting the seeds of wholeness in mankind!

New Peace springs forth on Earth!

Eloheim’s Light transforms the curse.


You are each and all Scions of the Angels

Bearing Light through the floods of darkness.


Re-seeding the Earth in Light

From the holy mountain heights:  Life!  New Life!


(Words and Music by Zedek drawing from Puccini)

Hymns of the Pearl Volume 4

Complete Lyrics

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