Hymns of the Pearl Volume 1
Complete Lyrics
She is noble, she is chosen by one Most High Self, unborn.
She is equal to the bright Sun, rich in jeweled virtues worn.
Great Sophia! Faithful Queen! Mighty in your word and deed.
Grant that we might always increase in your love.
For this we plead.
O Aeon, Sophia! O Aeon Christ Savior?
Tell us about those who live in eternal realms. Aeon! Aeon!
What you ask, I will reveal, for your roots are in Infinity!
In the Depth, ineffable, and in the Silence, inscrutable!
How they emanated from inside, beings unimaginable to your mind.
Countless gods of every kind, communities of Light
Seeking to align themselves with the One Who is the All.
Coming together, they say, “We will unite ourselves.”
Listen, my Bride! Hear my Bridegroom!
Drink from my Fountain of Love! I am yours bound forever,
With you ‘till the end of time. Yes, I’ve come in sacred marriage
To dwell in you in brightest Light. The holy angels rejoice with us,
Dancing with us here tonight!
O Aeon Sophia! O Aeon Christ Savior!
Tell us about how we came down from immortal realms. Aeon! Aeon!
What you ask, I will reveal for your roots are in Infinity!
All who come into this world are Drops of Light, eternal.
Sent into the time and space for the perfection of the human race.
I give them an awakening grace that they will find themselves
In the heart of Sophia, and come to know who they are and to where they go,
And become whole again joined with the Aeons!
O Aeon Sophia! O Aeon Christ Savior!
Aeon! Aeon!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
Whoever Learns Truth’s Gnosis
Whoever learns Truth’s Gnosis will live forever bathed in Light!
We enter the Eternal Sea to bathe in Light eternally.
Truth is our Source! Truth is our Goal!
She wraps us in her womb, divine,
Where we live far beyond time.
Truth is our Source! Truth is our Goal!
Truth is Pure Light! Truth is darkness!
Truth is All Things! Truth is All Things!
Whoever learns Truth’s Gnosis will live forever bathed in Light!
We enter the Eternal Sea to bathe in Light eternally.
Truth is Pure Light! Truth is darkness!
We’ve found the Source from which we spring!
It is the Root of everything!
Truth is our Source! Truth is our Goal!
Truth is Pure Light! Truth is darkness!
Truth is All Things! Truth is All Things!
(Words by Mar Samuel. Music by Zedek)
Ode to Sophia and Christ
O Light of Lights! I have lost my way and fallen far in darkness.
I was deceived.
I sought the Light, to unite with Truth and find the God beyond all gods.
I sought this Love.
Sophia! I come to you! My Love will find you and return you
To the Home you left behind.
I come to you. I’ll find you. I’ll save you from darkness everywhere.
I’ll love you. I’ll hold you. We’ll make our Love in darkness.
Our children will follow. They’ll bring our Light into that world.
We’ll bring back the darkness.
We’ll bring it back into the Light. Into the Light.
My Savior! My Mystery! O Light, do not abandon me.
Show me your face.
I hope in you. May my odyssey be Light for those who follow me,
May they be saved!
Sophia! I come to you! My Love will find you and return you
To the Home you left behind.
I come to you. I’ll find you. I’ll save you from darkness everywhere.
I’ll love you. I’ll hold you. We’ll make our Love in darkness.
Our children will follow. They’ll bring our Light into that world.
We’ll bring back the darkness.
We’ll bring it back into the Light. Into the Light.
Sophia, we follow you.
Sophia, to know the Truth.
Sophia, you lead us home.
Sophia, to make us whole!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
Praise Sophia
Praise Sophia, the Ever-Faithful!
Our Mother of Gnosis,
The Soul of the World!
Praise Sophia, our Light in the darkness,
The Truth we’ve discovered who leads us home.
We live in your Spirit.
O Earthly Mother, we are filled with your Wisdom!
Praise Sophia, the Ever-Faithful!
Our Mother of Gnosis,
The Soul of the World!
Praise Sophia, the Ever-Faithful!
Our Mother of Gnosis,
The Soul of the World!
Praise Sophia, our Light in the darkness,
The Truth we’ve discovered who leads us home.
Who leads us home!
Praise Sophia!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
In Eloheim
Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim!
The days gone by, the nights ahead, all time is now in Eloheim.
The self I was, the one I’ll be, I give it all to Eloheim.
The words I speak, the songs I sing, I sing them out for Eloheim.
The images that visit me, I honor them in Eloheim.
I am a child of Eloheim! I am a child of Eloheim!
I turn all things toward the Light! I bring it all to Eloheim!
Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim!
The hands I hold, the lips I kiss, affection of Eloheim.
The lonely nights of darkness, my soul endures in Eloheim.
I turn my thoughts, my feelings, too, I think and feel in Eloheim.
My beating heart, my breathing soul, my heart and soul in Eloheim.
I am a child of Eloheim! I am a child of Eloheim!
I turn all things toward the Light! I bring it all to Eloheim!
Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim! Eloheim!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
I AM the Firstborn Son of Light, hear now the revelation of the Mysteries.
A veil is covering your sight. You forget the Truth about your Source and Destiny.
I come to fill you up with Light. I reveal your Source. I bestow the Keys!
Shadows—this world is but a shadow of the world of Eloheim.
We’re strangers wandering here.
You all began as animals. Only a few develop true humanity.
Of these, a few unveil their Source. They cultivate their innate Divine Anthropos.
All things divided must be one to manifest the Light of Eloheim!
Shadows—this world is but a shadow of the world of Eloheim.
We’re strangers wandering here.
Sophia and I have claimed this world for ourselves. It will become a world of Light!
Sophia will permeate it and my Spirit will radiate through and through!
When you unify the Father and Mother together within yourself,
You are redeemed from the Fall of the Aadahmah. You will ascend to the Source!
Divine Anthropos is the Source, the Eloheim!
Where you will be united with me and my consort, Sophia.
I AM your Source. I AM the Key!
Shadows—this world is but a shadow of the world of Eloheim.
We’re strangers wandering here.
(Words by Mar Samuel and Zedek. Music by Zedek)
Silence has a song, one that moves the soul.
A Spring of Life, a Perfect Mind sings in Silence.
Rest in joyful Praise! Let the Spirit soar!
A smiling heart, a wordless prayer, rest in Silence.
Angel of Shalom! Make of us your home.
Happy are we, enlightened and free!
Thank you! Thank you!
Peace the Infinite Light!
Great and glorious Love! Son of Eloheim!
Your Living Fire consumes my life, Love is my name!
Angel of Agape! Live in us today.
Happy are we, enlightened and free!
Thank you! Thank you!
Love, the Infinite Light!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
Song of the Witnesses
Swirling, circling blue Light. Eternal Sea, our fathomless inner space.
Waving and spiraling into Being, the Divine Ones, who witness
The Mind of Divine Anthropos.
They witness the Mind is a current, a Light wave, a seminal current of Divine Life,
Creative Work, unspeakable Peace, permeating Power, whole Love,
and seering Wisdom.
The Divine Ones witness the dark side of Mind, the Holy Serpent!
The Great Mother, Sophia who is the heart of Divine Anthropos,
She sings the Eternal OHM that manifests roots of consciousness in Psyche’s soil,
In bodies of Life, in a Joy of living, under the protection of Sun,
In flowing Water’s nourishment, and in Air’s swift-changing movement.
The Divine Ones witness the swirling, circling dance of the blue-faced Father
And the gold-bodied Mother, kissing and embracing,
Thrusting and uniting in the Sea of infinite, spinning Light,
They witness the Love dance.
The now pregnant Mother carrying within her numberless galaxies
Fit for time and space. The Divine Ones see the birth of galaxies
Which are many, yet One. Solitary, fruit-bearing Tree of Life
Whose branches come from and return to the Mitered Mind,
And whose roots come from and return to
The naked, green Sophia!
Like the Parents’ desiring dance of passion, the galaxies spin and spiral.
The Psyche spins and spirals from the dark brooding instincts
Where the Red Man lusts and laughs to the Light-enchanting Imagination
Where the Bird sings the song of Freedom,
All witnessed by the Divine Ones who offer you
To taste of this Tree! And swim in the Sea
That your life will swirl into divinity!
Becoming another witness to the dance of Light and darkness!
(Words and Music by Zedek)
I AM a Portal
In the twilight, fading time. What has life been for?
A dream of dust, this darkened mind thinks sun will shine no more.
I AM a Portal into Eternal Bliss.
Enter through me and you will find the Keys to Life Divine.
In the whirlwind, spinning thoughts, where is a peace to rest my soul?
The mental traps where I get caught push me deeper in this hole.
I AM a firm Bed, one that gives you rest.
Lie on my Bed, experience perpetual rest.
In the darkness, emptiness. Can I escape illusion?
Mirages everywhere arrest my mind in confusion.
I AM a bright Light to enlighten your life.
Gaze through my Light so you can see the full view of Reality.
I AM a Portal into Eternal Bliss.
Enter through me and you will find the Keys to Life Divine.
I AM a Portal.
I AM a Bed.
I AM a bright Light.
(Words by Mar Samuel and Zedek. Music by Zedek)
Song of Barbatos
A Love Song to Our Earthly Mother
Touch her, Barbatos. Sing to her, Barbatos.
Soft in moonlight, she lies here beside you.
Now is the time for adventure, here in arms of Desert!
Sing out! Sing out your love!
Two lovers united this night.
Let me see with eyes of Wind!
Let me hear with ears of Mountains!
Let me sing with voice of Rain! To Barbatos!
Once again, to Barbatos!
Here, my heart in this valley,
Like a treasure uncovered,
Rides my enchantment in flight of angels.
One kiss, one dance together.
Holding our lives forever.
Music filling our land! We’re lovers united this night.
Let me see with eyes of Wind!
Let me hear with ears of Mountains!
Let me sing with voice of Rain! To Barbatos!
Once again, to Barbatos!
(Words and Music by Zedek)